TUESDAY, FEB 18 | 7pm
Oakwood Secondary Campus

11600 Magnolia Blvd.
North Hollywood, CA 91601
A fireside chat with, author of The Art of Community, and, co-author of Belonging Through a Culture of Dignity.
Charles Vogl is an adviser, speaker, and the author of three books, including the international bestseller The Art of Community. He works with Google in several capacities, including as a trusted thought leader for the Google School for Leaders, which develops over 20,000 Google managers. He is also a founding member of the Google Vitality Lab which works toward innovating healing strategies in our era.
Dr. Floyd Cobb has almost 20 years of experience spanning the P-20 educational continuum, holding roles as a teacher, school leader, district curriculum leader, and statewide policy implementer. He holds a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction from the Morgridge College of Education at the University of Denver. He is an adjunct faculty member and teaches courses on social inequality through the lenses of race, class, and gender.

Oakwood School was honored to welcome Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger and Noor A’wad, leaders of Roots/Shorashim/Judur, an Israeli-Palestinian grassroots initiative for understanding, nonviolence, and transformation. Our guests shared their vision for a new social and political reality that honors the belonging of Palestinians and Israeli Jews to the land and grants dignity, freedom, equality, and security for all people.

For more information, visit friendsofroots.net.

Now in its 18th year, Voices Envisioned is a speaker series that engages the entire Oakwood School community in dialogue about important issues related to DEI&B and social justice.