Oakwood was founded in 1951 by a group of deeply committed and involved parents & guardians. Today, the school continues to rely on the dedication of parents & guardians to sustain and enhance our school. Parent & guardian involvement is an integral part of Oakwood’s success. Through the events and activities parents & guardians support, inclusive of all schedules and skill sets—there's a place for you!
The Oakwood School Parent & Guardian Organization’s (PGO) mission is to build a community that supports our school by living its Statement of Philosophy. We strive to cultivate a community where every parent & guardian is valued, respected, and included. We aim to help parents & guardians feel connected to Oakwood and to each other. We create opportunities for volunteerism, partnership, and participation to support the needs of our school. The PGO provides programs and services that enhance the Oakwood experience for our students, our families, our teachers, and administrators. At Oakwood, we are family.
Join the Oakwood Grandparents' Group and participate in Oakwood events especially designed for you.
We believe that together our Grandparents can create ideas for an even more meaningful relationship between students, us, and Oakwood School—all in the spirit of fun, bonding, and memory building. For more information about the Grandparents' Group or to volunteer please email grandparents@oakwoodschool.org.