
An Oakwood Education

Our Statement of Philosophy begins with the vision our founders had in 1951: to create an educational experience that was rich in the arts, sciences, and humanities and challenging to their creative, intellectual, and physical capacities.
They wanted a learning community that would foster independence of thought, intellectual integrity, sensitivity to the needs of others, and prepare students for participation in a democratic society.

These goals have remained at the center of an Oakwood School education ever since.

You can learn more about how this happens in a way that is uniquely Oakwood, through relational teaching and learning, in both the classroom and out among the communities we are part of.


Oakwood is rooted in its commitment to a relational pedagogy that views students as partners in teaching and learning and in the growth and innovation of an aligned K-12 program. Our students are involved in interdisciplinary opportunities, immersive and collaborative experiences, and morally engaged with social, political, and environmental challenges.